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Stage 3.

2:31 -  (2023) : Integrating themes of surrealism and loss of innocence, STAGE 3 is a 16mm film that compounds the idea of late stage capitalism failing to meet expectations, and eroding basic human needs for connection in favor of commodification.

Selected Work: Video


3:05 - (2023) : C𝟬NSUMED is an animated 16mm experimental film that incorporates themes of American overconsumption culture and the constant search for new distractions. (Uses found footage).

Selected Work: Video

Max & the Reaper.

4:57 - (2023) : MAX & THE REAPER follows the story of a young boy who comes to terms with death through photography. (Emerson College found footage).

Selected Work: Video

Zenith (Remastered).

4:49 - (2022-2023) : ZENITH is an animated 16mm experimental short film that incorporates various mediums aimed at the exploration of the human psyche and mental illness.

Selected Work: Video

Ghost Light.

2:16 - (2021) : GHOST LIGHT is an animated 16mm short film that showcases the magical battle between two environmentally conscious fairies.

Selected Work: Video

Temperamental Geography.

1:41 - (2021) : TEMPERAMENTAL GEOGRAPHY is a 16mm short film that considers some of the psychological implications of living through a long-term, distressing experience.

Selected Work: Video

When the Lights Go Out.

7:52 - (2020) : WHEN THE LIGHTS GO OUT is a short, psychological thriller told in the form of interview with the subject of the piece. This short film is based on the true story of a high school student that goes to prison for attempted murder.

Selected Work: Video

COVID-19: A Documentary

12:46 - (2020) : COVID-19 : A DOCUMENTARY is a short film that was created at the beginning of the Coronavirus pandemic. This short covers several months of the initial stages of the pandemic and discusses many of the hardships that people were facing, and continue to face. It also has various versions and lengths, with this version winning the "Out of Bounds Award" at the NHHSSFF in 2020.  This film was shot before the George Floyd protests.

Selected Work: Video

The Soap and the Sorbent.

15:09 TOTAL - (2020) : THE SOAP AND THE SORBENT is an interactive short film intended to be played like a video game using YouTube endscreens. This short film follows the actions of a young girl that is kidnapped after answering the door to a suspicious soap saleswoman. Each decision made by the viewer will impact the outcome, as there are multiple endings to this film. For the best experience, this is recommended to be watched on a laptop or computer.

Selected Work: Video
Selected Work: Pro Gallery
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